Take advantage of Subsidies

Upgrade your Floodlighting System to LED now
and benefit in several ways

Rüsten Sie jetzt Ihre Flutlichtanlage auf LED um und profitieren Sie gleich mehrfach

If you convert the floodlight system of your sports field to LED technology, you will not only have bright, modern light, but you will also benefit from lower energy and maintenance costs. Energy savings and CO² reduction are also particularly good for the environment and climate. That’s why associations and municipalities receive financial support for retrofitting with current subsidy programs. In addition to the federal government’s climate protection initiative, there are other state subsidy programs for the renovation and modernization of sports facilities. Funding rates of 25% or more are possible – making your new LED floodlight system a reality!

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit
Bundesministerium des Innern für Bau und Heimat
Landessportbund NRW
Sportstätte 2022 NRW

Current subsidiy Programs

The promotion of LED Floodlighting Systems

From climate protection to urban development funding to top-level sports: clubs and municipalities are supported in the retrofitting, renovation and modernization of their sports facilities. For example:

Contact Us

Would you like to convert your floodlights to LED and take advantage of current subsidies?

We can advise you on the selection of suitable funding programs and support you throughout the application process.